ssalonso (flickr)
Libros de la biblioteca:
1. Calvi, James. American law and legal systems. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall Regents, 1997. 361 p.
S.T.: 349.73 CAL
2. Carp. Robert A. Judicial process in America. 7th ed. Washinton, D.C. : 2007. xvi, 480 p.
S.T.: 347.73 CAR
3. Cataldo, Bernard. Introduction to law and the legal process. New York : John Wiley & Sons, c1980. xxv, 866 p.
S.T.: 340 INT
4. Jacobstein, Myron. Legal research illustrated : an abridgment of fundamentals of legal research. -- 2nd ed. New York : Foundation Press, 1981. xxxv; 386 p.
S.T.: 340 JAC
5. Murphy, Walter. Courts, judges and politics : an introduction to the legal process. 6th ed. Boston : McGraw Hill, 2006. xv, 783 p.
S.T.: 347.73 MUR
6. Zalman, Marvin. Criminal procedure : constitution and society. Upper Saddle River, N.J., c2005.xvii, 458 p.
S.T.: 345.73 ZAL
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